Quote of the Week

Quote of the week: “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” - Toni Morrison

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Writing for Me

I ventured onto my blog today to answer a comment a reader left and realized it's been nearly a month since I've updated. I seem to have fallen into a pattern of ignoring my blog and pouring all my time into my my novel and the several short stories I've been working on. So today I've decided to do a update about my writing and why I've been ignoring my blog.

Since I began the journey of writing with the goal of writing for myself instead of trying to be a published author (late last year), writing has become much more fun and exciting! The ideas flow much easier and I'm just a happier person all around. It doesn't mean I won't pursue publication, but I'm no longer writing to fit a certain niche or what I think people want to read. I write what I want to read, and it makes a big different.

I have so many story ideas now I couldn't possibly write them all out (at least not with the time restraints I have now). And yet, I still continue to have spontaneous ideas popping up at the strangest times. In fact, I was trying to relax in a bath the other day and a whole story just developed in one whole lump from start to finish in a matter of half an hour. After that I got out, got dressed, and sat down to the keyboard. Two hours later I had a full rough draft of a 3,700 words story finished. Yet another example of something happening because I didn't force it. I wrote because I wanted to and it felt good. Real good.

The novel I've been working on since this past spring (Blood Feud) has gone much the same way. It's a story that I wish I could read, but no one has written it yet, so I am taking it on myself to do the task. It's been a fun ride so far. Don't get me wrong, writing is hard work- very hard, but the joy of writing the novel far exceeds the grueling hours and dedication I put into it. Crazy I know, but it's something I look forward to doing every single morning that I wake up. I might not be able get a chance to write on my novel everyday like I want, but I think about it and hope that I can find the time.

That is what writing should be. Something to look forward to with eagerness. Not something to dread or push until it hurts. I write for me. Sure no one may care to read what I write, but that's okay. My work may not be what publishers are looking for. I don't care, I write for me. And yes I've been ignoring my blog, because I have been too busy writing for... well, do I really have to say it again??? As long as I write for me, I will enjoy writing. So how about you guys, do you write for you?

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