Quote of the Week

Quote of the week: “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” - Toni Morrison

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review: How did I do?

I can't believe it's the end of yet another year, and what a great year it has been! I will always look at 2012 as the year that I really became a writer. I wrote more this year than I have since I started dabbling in writing six years ago. I also found an incredible story that will take many books to tell, and I found a really close group of writers to work with in the critique group I started at the beginning of 2012. I also did pretty good at keeping to my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of 2012.

My goals for 2012 were...

Goal 1: Read... My goal to read everyday.

Did I do that?
No. I didn't read every single day, but I did read most days. Compared to my reading in 2011, it was a big improvement.

Goals 2: Write... My goal to write everyday.

Did I do that?
Yes for the most part. Technically I did not write every single day. I did take a few days off now and again for family time, but for the most part I was writing every day. And when I did write, I more than made up for the times I didn't write. I found out something amazing too... I used to struggle to write everyday, but once I began keeping up the habit of writing, it was hard to stop myself from writing on days I took off for family and such. What an incredible switch!

Goal 3: A New Path to Walk... My goal to focus on writing instead of worrying about deadlines and publication.

Did I do that?
Yes and no. For the most part I did follow this new path, but I did break my rule on one story that I wrote for an anthology project, and I did attempt a few short story submissions. But as a whole, I mostly focused on the joy of writing. Oh, and I did set my own personal deadlines throughout the year so I had something to work towards, but I kept the goals flexible and didn't have a problem with moving things around if need be.

Goal 4: New Niche to Write In... My goal to write a bunch of short stories based of my childhood memories for myself and my son to enjoy.

Did I do that?
Yes for a while. Until I got my idea for the current novel I'm writing, I did write quite a few short stories based off my childhood memories. Most of them are still in rough draft form, but they are down on paper so that I can go back and work on them more when I am ready to continue that project.

Goal 5: More Blogging, not scheduled... My goal to write blog posts, but not have them scheduled.

Did I do that?
Yes. I did, and I look back to see that most months this blog only got one post at most throughout the year. I was so focused on my novel and other writing projects that I totally neglected this poor blog. I'm really not sure that was such a good thing.

Goal 6: Learning the Craft of Writing... Instead of focusing on writing classes, I brought some books to read to help with my writing craft.

Did I do that?
Yes. I did read most of the books I brought for the purpose of learning more craft, and also purchased another book Between the Lines by Jessica Page Morrell, which I found an invaluable source for novel writing techniques.

Goal 7: Be More Flexible... My goal to be more flexible in my writing, goals, and to overall be more calm about things.

Did I do that?
More or less, I think. I'd like to think I was more chilled out about things, but for a more accurate answer you may have to ask my family and friends.

I feel really great that I was able to keep myself on track all year. What an amazing 2012, and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for me!

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